
  • 43rd Management Board meeting

    EIGE's Management Team joins the 43rd Management Board (MB) meeting, taking place online on the 7th and 8th of November.

  • United in Diversity: Safeguarding Equal Rights for All

    EIGE attends the "United in Diversity: safeguarding equal rights for all" conference, held by the Danish Family Planning Association (DFPA), with support from the International Planned Parenthood Federation European Network (IPPF EN). United in Diversity is the second retreat for civil servants from EU Member States and aims to brainstorm strategies to face the opposition movements that seek to undermine...

  • European Economic and Social Committee debate on UNCSW69

    EIGE's Gender Equality and Statistics researcher, Lina Salanauskaite, joins the European Economic and Social Committee debate in preparation to the 69th meeting of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW69). In the framework of the European Parliament’s Gender Equality Week, the debate focuses on the relevant priorities to bring to the UNCSW69, collecting the views of international...

  • Meeting with ETUC's Women's Committee

    EIGE's Brussels Liaison officer, Sarah Cooke O'Dowd, meets the European Trade Union Confederation's Women's Committee. They discuss EIGE's work on the transposition of the pay transparency directive and strategies to tackle gender-based violence in the workplace, as well as opportunities for closer collaboration in the future.

  • 47th meeting of Assembly of EU Agency Staff Committees

    EIGE's Committee member, Skaidrile Grigaite-Mockeviciene, attends the Staff Committees of the EU agencies meeting in Paris. Staff Committee representatives meet to discuss matters of common interest to all EU staff. These topics include mental wellbeing, harassment prevention, schooling and medical services situation in different countries, staff reclassification and mobility questions as well as changes in staff regulations.

  • Working With Perpetrators Annual Conference

    EIGE's Team Leader for gender-based violence, Cristina Fabre, joins the Working With Perpetuators (WWP) annual conference in Berlin. The WWP network celebrates a decade of work on ending domestic violence. The conference aims to reflect on the evolution of perpetrator work and explore the next frontiers for an inspiring path forward.

  • 2nd Gender and Drugs Symposium – Lisbon addiction side event

    EIGE’s Gender-based violence researcher, Monica Barbovschi, joins the 2nd Gender and Drugs Symposium, part of the Lisbon Addictions side event. The conference is held by the European Drugs and Gender Group (EDG), coordinated by the EU Drugs Agency (EUDA), together with the Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe, together with the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute...

  • EIGE travels to Brussels

    EIGE's Director, Carlien Scheele, travels to Brussels to meet with the members of the European Network of Equality Bodies (Equinet) and have bilateral exchanges with key EU stakeholders. She joins the Equinet annual general meeting and speaks on a panel focusing on shaping the future of equality in Europe through partnership and cooperation. She also meets with Mario Nava, Director-General...

  • EUAN Heads of Agencies Meeting

    EIGE's Director Carlien Scheele participates at the EU Agencies' Directors meeting. The meeting is hosted jointly by the European Institute for Technology and Innovation and the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training. At the margins of the meeting, several strategic bilateral meetings with Directors of other EU agencies take place, including with the Director of the EU Fundamental Rights...

  • OECD workshop on Future steps for gender equality in the European Union

    Jolanta Reingardė, EIGE's Research and Statistics team leader, and Helena Morais Maceira, EIGE's Gender Mainstreaming team leader, participate in the second workshop on future steps for gender equality in the European Union, held by OECD. The workshop is part of a broader project which aims to identify new ways to address structural gender inequalities in future policies in EU and...

  • Experts’ consultation meeting on Beijing Platform for Action +30 and Gender Equality Index update

    On 8 and 9 October, EIGE organises an experts consultation meeting on the Beijing Platform for Action +30 and the Gender Equality Index update. The year 2025 marks an important milestone for the European Union: the thirtieth anniversary of the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA), signed in 1995. As the EU agency for gender equality...

  • Meeting of the Expert Group on the Implementation of EU Equality Law

    EIGE's Gender Mainstreaming Team Leader, Helena Morais Maceira, and EIGE's Gender Statistics Database Officer, Ligia Nobrega, attend the meeting of the Expert Group on the implementation of the EU Equality Law in Brussels. In the context of the transposition of the Directives on Binding Standards for Equality Bodies, the Expert group discusses horizontal issues and forthcoming strategies to draft indicators...