EIGE's Team Leader Gender-Based Violence, Cristina Fabre, attends the 24th annual conference of the European Society of Criminology, bringing knowledge and expertise on domestic violence and violence against women. The conference tackles issues related to the development of criminology all over Europe and beyond and focuses on topics and subtopics related to criminology, including gender-based violence. It represents an opportunity...
Ahead of the upcoming Denmark's EU Council Presidency (II Semester 2025), EIGE's delegation visits Copenhagen for a series of preparatory meetings. Together with her delegation, EIGE's Director Carlien Scheele meets with representatives of the Ministry in charge of gender equality and representatives of other ministries engaged in the work of the EU Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer affairs (EPSCO)...
EIGE's Communications and Media Officer, Georgie Bradley, brings gender insights on how to recruit more women in policing during the Europol European Law Enforcement Communicators Conference. The conference is focused on raising community awareness among law enforcement and suggests to the member states to run a joint pan-EU campaign on recruiting women for law-enforcement. Through the lens of institutional change...
EIGE Director Carlien Scheele meets C.E.Dettmeijer-Vermeulen, Member of CEDAW, Chair Supervisory Committee Child Helpline International and Chair Supervisory Committee Stichting Misbruikt.
EIGE hosts the "Unheard Voices: the Influence of Gender-Based Violence" conference, organized by the Active Youth Institute of Vilnius. The conference is an international youth event featuring expert speakers and activities to combat violence against women. Gender-based violence Seconded National Expert, Janine Mc Ginn, takes part in the discussion with an interactive presentation on the hidden voices of cyberviolence. She...
EIGE's Director Carlien Scheele addresses the members of the European Parliament's Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM). In her speech, Ms Scheele will highlight the key developments and challenges in gender equality in the EU and suggest how the work of the Agency can support the European Parliament in addressing these challenges.
EIGE attends the biannual meeting of the Commission's High level group on gender mainstreaming (HLG) which brings together representatives of Member States in charge of gender equality and gender mainstreaming at national level. During the meeting EIGE will present its latest work on the topic of gender equality and work-life balance. EIGE will also meet the EU Trio presidencies to...
EIGE's trainees Olivia Hoppu, Patricia Bliem, Rebecca Olsson and Silvia Spada join the Vilnius Summer Academy, a cooperation between the German Academic Fellowship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes), Vilnius University, and the European Humanities University. They hold a presentation on EIGE's work and open the floor to a fruitful discussion with international students about gender equality and current challenges.
EIGE's Director, Carlien Scheele, meets the new Director of the Agency for support of BEREC (BEREC Office), Verena Weber, for a touch base introductory meeting.
EIGE's Brussels Liaison Officer, Sarah Cooke O'Dowd, joins the Council of Europe Conference on "Synergy for Change: civil society raising awareness on violence against women in a context of global challenges" in Budapest. The conference is organized in the framework of the CoE multi-country programme to tackle violence against women, focusing on civil society organizations (CSOs)'s contribution in raising awareness...
EIGE's Gender Equality and Statistics researcher, Vytautas Peciukonis, joins the Global Conference on Measuring New Forms of Employment organized by the Statistical Office of the European Union (EUROSTAT) in partnership with the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Brussels. The Global Conference gathers high-profile policymakers and statistical experts from across Europe and around the world to develop reliable information on digital...
EIGE's Director, Carlien Sheele, and EIGE's Research and Statistics Team Leader, Jolanta Reingarde, join the High-Level Conference on the European Social Charter in Vilnius, held under the Lithuanian Presidency of the Committee of Ministers, as a follow-up to the Fourth Summit of the Council of Europe. The conference aims to discuss social rights, and it brings together ministers, high-level officials...