Head of EIGE Research and Policy Unit, Maruša Gortnar, and Research and Statistics Team Leader, Jolanta Reingarde, represent EIGE in the High Level Group (HLG) on Gender Mainstreaming. The HLG on Gender Mainstreaming supports the EU Presidencies in identifying relevant topics that need to be addressed as part of Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA). It consists of high-level civil servants...
EIGE’s gender-based violence researcher, Monica Barbovschi, presents the findings of the EU-GBV survey and an update on the Gender Equality Index and EIGE's next implementation cycle (2025-2027) to members of the Working Party on Social Questions under the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU.
EIGE’s Head of Outreach and Engagement Unit, Dennis van den Veur, attends the “Countering Anti-Feminism & Gender Backlash in Europe" Conference, organised by Gender Five Plus and PUSH*BACK*LASH! Experts, activists, and leaders from across Europe will gather to discuss and strategize against rising anti-gender movements, talking about gender equality and democracy and the impact of political discourse on inequalities.
EIGE's Gender Equality and Statistics researcher, Vytautas Peciukonis, joins the High-Level Conference: Coding equality into the EU AI Act, held by Equinet. The meeting aims to explore strategies for safeguarding equality in the implementation of the EU AI Act and for addressing blind spots through the active involvement of many actors: civil society, Equality Bodies and relevant public authorities and...
Go to the event site and register for virtual participation Are you ready to help shape a fairer future for all? Make your voice heard at the second Gender Equality Forum on 10-11 December 2024. This is a significant year for the EU, with European Parliament elections and a new Commission taking office. That brings new challenges and opportunities. The...
EIGE’s Director, Carlien Scheele, speaks at the round table "Building a Gender-Sensitive Parliament: EU Experience for Ukraine" which focuses on advancing gender mainstreaming in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. She shares EIGE's insights on improving gender sensitivity in legislative bodies, based on the latest EIGE's work in this area.
EIGE’s Director, Carlien Scheele, together with colleagues from Eurostat and the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) present the findings of the EU-GBV survey to members of the FEMM Committee, and exchange views with MEPs on how to tackle gender-based violence in Europe. During her visit, Director Scheele and Sarah Cooke O'Dowd, Brussels Liaison officer, meets with Director of UN Women's EU...
EIGE’s Team Leader of Gender Based Violence, Cristina Fabre, discusses with international stakeholders the role of the statistical frameworks to measure femicide and the need for harmonising definitions, enhancing data quality and strengthening monitoring systems. UN Women, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability and the UNODC-INEGI Center of Excellence join...
EIGE's Director Carlien Scheele and Head of Outreach and Engagement Unit, Dennis van der Veur, join the annual Heads of Justice and Home Affairs Agencies' (JHA) meeting, organised by EU-LISA, current chair of the JHA agencies network. The network brings together 9 EU agencies operating in the area of justice, security and home affairs, to strategically foster an integrated and...
EIGE’s Team Leader of Gender Based Violence, Cristina Fabre with the assistance of Mara Battistella, trainee, joins the international conference “War trauma and women’s human rights protection” in the context of Women's Human Rights in Lithuania in 2024. Their presentation "From Law to Action: the Impact of the EU Directive on Women's Rights Protection" contributes to the discussion between policymakers...
One week after the launch of the EU GBV Survey, EIGE’s Gender-Based Violence team attends several conferences to present its interesting key findings. EIGE’s Seconded National Expert, Janine McGinn, and Diana Esteve, trainee, join the “16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence: Preventing Violence against Women in Lithuanian, Polish and Italian societies”, hosted by the Faculty of Law of Vilnius...
EIGE's Team Leader of Gender Mainstreaming, Helena Morais Maceira, attends the EU Mutual Learning Seminar on gender budgeting, to exchange knowledge and discuss the development of gender and equality budgeting within the European Union. Sweden and Ireland, co-hosts of the seminar, present their respective national approaches while EIGE showcases 2024 data on the commitment and use of gender budgeting in...