EIGE's Director, Carlien Scheele, hosts a visit of the Minister of Social Protection of Estonia, Signe Riisalo, at EIGE's headquarters. During the visit, the Director and the Minister discuss the situation of gender equality in Estonia and how further to enhance cooperation between the Agency and member states. The Advisor of the EU Affairs and international cooperation Department, Berit Marksoo...
EIGE, together with the University of Vilnius, organises and hosts the 2024 Annual conference of the European Network on Gender and Violence (ENGV) in Vilnius. The ENGV is an interdisciplinary, international network supporting exchange and collaboration among researchers, scholars, and professionals. Each year, the ENGV annual conference provides a forum for debates on current research related to Gender Based Violence...
EIGE's gender-based violence Expert, Agata Szypulska, joins the 56th session of the UN Human Rights Council (OHCHR) in Geneva for a full-day discussion on women's human rights. The conference deepens the concept of economic violence as a form of gender-based violence that affect disproportionally women and girls. In addition, the discussion focuses on the role played by the international human...
EIGE's Gender Equality and Statistics researcher, Lina Salanauskaite, joins the European Antipoverty Network Talks to give a presentation on gender equality, income and poverty-related aspects. EAPN Talks are a space for members of the European Antipoverty Network to enhance their knowledge in specific areas to eradicate poverty and social exclusion, and an occasion to open forthcoming cooperation possibilities. With an...
The European/International Council of Women (ECICW) celebrates its General Assembly in Vilnius, at EIGE premises. The event is hosted by the National Council of Women of Lithuania. EIGE joins the meeting to present its work and exchange with the participants. More on the ECICW General Assembly
EIGE's Gender Equality and Statistics researcher, Lina Salanauskaite, attends a targeted workshop session organized by the Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union (DG FISMA) of the European Commission, about "Personal Pensions". The Agency joins the conversation by giving a short presentation on the Financial independence report, in the session "A gender perspective on savings, do women...
EIGE participates in the EU Mutual learning seminar “Challenging for change: working with perpetrators of Gender Based Violence (GBV) and domestic violence” in Riga, Latvia. The mutual learning programme in gender equality fosters learning among EU countries by focusing on policy measures and existing examples. It addresses both implementation opportunities and challenges, encouraging debate and experience sharing among government representatives...
Zivile Macijauskiene, EIGE Team Leader Stakeholder relations, participates at the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) Expert meeting on foresight and fundamental rights. EIGE joins the meeting to share the findings of the Agency's foresight activities, including from latest EIGE's publication on how to bring a gender and intersectional perspective into EU foresight. Read more about fostering a gender and intersectional perspective...
EIGE participates at the OECD Gender Equality Forum "Navigating global transitions", in Paris. The 2024 OECD Forum on Gender Equality aims to advance gender equality in a green and digital perspective. The discussion addresses gender impacts and potential exacerbation of disparities, and encourages closer cooperation, innovative strategies and policies to empower women in the digital age and ensure their equal...