Checklist to guide the preparation of calls for project proposals
Step 1. Does the call make it clear that the horizontal principle of gender equality must be part of the project’s analysis?
Managing authorities and monitoring committees could ask:
- Does the call for proposals clearly explain that the project will be evaluated based on whether or not a gender analysis is included in the proposal (i.e. an analysis of the differences in women’s and men’s situations and needs)?
- Does the call for proposals specifically demand the inclusion of qualitative and quantitate data to describe gender-related trends or patterns?
- Does the call for proposals indicate that the proposal should refer to fund-specific, national or sub-national gender equality goals?
Step 2. Does the call explain that the horizontal principle of gender equality must be part of the project’s objectives and indicators?
- Does the call for proposals explain that the proposal will be evaluated based on whether or not the project’s objectives:
- will be attained for both women and men;
- include the specific disaggregation of objectives for women and men;
- include specific gender equality objectives and goals (i.e. objectives that are to be reached for both women and men to increase gender equality), where relevant?
- Does the call for proposals ask that all indicators related to individuals be disaggregated by sex, in order to monitor if both women and men are reached?
- Does the call for proposals ask for specific gender indicators to be determined to facilitate the monitoring of progress towards gender equality objectives, where relevant?
Step 3. Does the call indicate that the horizontal principle of gender equality should be integrated in the project’s planned use of resources?
- Does the call for proposals explain that proposals must specify how resources will be used to promote gender equality?
- Does the call make it clear that proposals should explain how the project will enhance equal access to resources, services and investments by women and men among the target groups?
Step 4. Does the call specify that the project team should include gender competence?
- Does the call for proposals indicate what role internal gender competence, or budgeting for external gender expertise, will play in project selection?
- Does the call make it clear if, and to what degree, gender competence is a requirement in training and evaluation procurement processes?
Step 5. Does the call explain that gender equality must form part of the project’s monitoring and evaluation?
- Does the call for proposals ask for a description of how the project will monitor and assess gender equality objectives/results/effects, and how it will apply corrective measures?
- Does the explain that any proposal must define how it will evaluate gender equality objectives and results?