Who is this toolkit for?
This step-by-step toolkit on gender budgeting in the European Union Funds under shared management (from here on EU Funds) is designed for managing authorities in European Union Member States. Thus, civil servants and managers involved in EU Funds programming at the national and sub-national levels are the toolkit’s main target group. However, the toolkit can also be used by intermediate bodies[1] working on EU Funds project implementation at the sub-national or local levels, as well as by national gender equality bodies and staff working at the EU level with the EU Funds. The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Employment, Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, and the Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers can also make use of the toolkit for their overall monitoring and evaluation (M&E) work.
This toolkit is structured in such a way that each target group is guided to when and where it could apply gender budgeting tools in the EU Funds process. By clicking on the relevant step of the process, you will access a variety of tools and promising practices from different Member States on how the tools can be used.