Steps to develop quantitative and qualitative indicators
Steps for developing quantitative and qualitative indicators include:
- reviewing the policy objective, the specific objective, and their implications for gender equality (see Tool 3);
- reviewing the related output and results indicators to determine if they can be broken down by sex (and possibly by other relevant characteristics such as age, race, ethnicity, disability, location and socio-economic background);
- referring to the questions in the tables to explore a range of indicators from a gender perspective;
- reviewing the sample gender equality indicators below;
- defining relevant indicators for advancing gender equality related to the specific outputs and results, ensuring that these are aligned to national priorities and the specificities of each programme.
The tool is structured as follows:
Tables featuring common indicators defined in the annexes of specific regulations for:
Specific guidance in each table for defining gender equality indicators, including:
- questions for you to reflect on when defining specific qualitative and quantitative indicators for advancing gender equality, and aligning these with national priorities;
- examples of indicators for advancing gender equality, which are common to the EU Funds discussed (please note: these indicators are examples that should be further developed and aligned to national priorities and the specificities of each programme).