Steps 2 and 3. Identifying and developing possible work-life balance interventions
Table below categorises proposed interventions according to objectives in proposed funds’ regulations. It also adds a set of proposed actions that are not explicitly mentioned in legislative acts. These would support work-life balance by enhancing the quality and accessibility of care provision; supporting active ageing; strengthening integrated health care communication; advancing the integration of shared services; and enhancing the integration of employability, migrant support and care workforce expansion by improving the quality of care-related employment. These actions are offered as a form of guidance exemplified for the ERDF and ESF+; they will help you think about possible interventions and components of project design.
Step 2. Identify possible interventions from the regulation on the post-2020 period
Policy objective 1
A smarter Europe by promoting innovative and smart economic transformation (main policy objective for the ERDF; additional policy objective for the ESF+)
- Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites)
- SME business development and internationalisation
- Skills development for smart specialisation, industrial transition and entrepreneurship
- Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including management, marketing and design services)
- Incubation support for spin-offs, spin-outs and start-ups
- Innovation cluster support and business networks primarily benefitting SMEs
- Innovation processes in SMEs (process, organisational, marketing, co-creation, user- and demand-driven innovation)
- Research and innovation processes, technology transfer and cooperation between enterprises focusing on the circular economy
Step 3. Develop gender-aware actions to promote
Please note, the interventions below are only examples
Policy objective 2
A greener, low-carbon Europe by promoting clean and fair energy transition, green and blue investment, the circular economy, climate adaptation, and risk prevention and management (main policy objective for the ERDF; additional policy objective for the ESF+)
- Household waste management, including prevention, minimisation, sorting and recycling
- Clean urban transport infrastructure
Step 3. Develop gender-aware actions to promote
Policy objective 3
A more connected Europe by enhancing mobility and regional ICT connectivity (policy objective applicable to the ERDF)
- Cycling infrastructure
- Digitalisation of urban transport
- Multimodal transport (Trans-European Transport Network — TEN-T)
- Multimodal transport (rural/non-urban)
- Digitising transport via other modes of transport
Step 3. Develop gender-aware actions to promote
Policy objective 4
A more social Europe by implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights (main policy objective for the ESF+; additional policy objective for the ERDF)
- Infrastructure for early childhood education and care
- Infrastructure for primary and secondary education
- Infrastructure for vocational education, training and adult learning
Housing infrastructure for migrants, refugees and persons under or applying for international protection
Step 3. Develop gender-aware actions to promote
Policy objective 5
A Europe closer to citizens by fostering the sustainable and integrated development of urban, rural and coastal areas and local initiatives (policy objective applicable to both the ESF+ and the ERDF)
- Protection, development and promotion of public tourism assets and related tourism services
- Protection, development and promotion of cultural heritage and cultural services
- Protection, development and promotion of natural heritage and ecotourism
- Physical regeneration and security of public spaces
Step 3. Develop gender-aware actions to promote
Other codes related to policy objectives 1-5 (applicable to both the ERDF and the ESF+)
- Improving the capacity of programme authorities and bodies linked to the funds’ implementation
- Enhancing cooperation with partners both within and outside EU Member States
- Cross-financing under the ERDF, including support for actions that are similar to those financed by the ESF+ and necessary for the implementation of operations directly linked to the ERDF
Step 3. Develop gender-aware actions to promote
Technical assistance (applicable to both the ERDF and the ESF+)
- Information and communication
- Preparation, implementation, monitoring and control
- Evaluation, studies and data collection
- Reinforcement of the capacity of Member State authorities, beneficiaries and relevant partners