Fostering sustainable fisheries and the conservation of marine biological resources 

  • Change in volume of landings stemming from stocks assessed at maximum sustainable yoeld
  • Change in profitability of the Union fishing fleet

  • Surface (hectares) of Natura 2000 sites, and other  marine protected areas under the Marine Strategic Framework Directive covered by protection, maintenance and restoration measures

  • Percentage of fishing vessels equipped with electronic position and catch reporting device

Contributing to food security in the Union through competitive and sustainable aquaculture and markets 

  • Change in the value and volume of aquaculture production in the Union
  • Change in the value and volume of landings

Enabling the growth of a sustainable blue economy and fostering prosperous coastal communities 

  • Change in GDP in maritime Nomenclature of the Territorial Units for Statistics regions
  • Change in the number of jobs (in full-time equivalents) in the sustainable blue economy

Strengthening international ocean governance and enabling safe, secure, clean and sustainably managed seas and oceans

  • Number of shared operations contributing to EU cooperation on coastguard functions

 France: facilitating gender mainstreaming by defining relevant indicators in OPs

Picture credit: EIGE. https://eige.europa.eu/gender-mainstreaming/methods-tools/gender-statisticsIn France, the horizontal principle of gender equality has been adopted through a dual approach in the national ESF OP for ‘Growth and inclusion’. The use of sex-disaggregated indicators across all French ERDF and ESF OPs facilitates gender mainstreaming throughout programme implementation. These indicators measure the participation of women and men by providing sex-disaggregated information on outputs and results.

Informed by sex-disaggregated data, analyses that consider women’s and men’s different situations and needs in the country lead to targeted actions to champion gender equality. They include, for instance, measures in the ESF OP to enhance women’s employment, training, education and entrepreneurship. The French ESF has sex-disaggregated output and results indicators for all three of its priorities: employment, professional paths and poverty. Gender equality is a key principle for project selection.

Results indicators[1] in the French ESF OP include:

  • numbers of women and men who are in employment, including self-employed, after their participation;
  • numbers of women and men participants in employment above the age of 55, including self-employed, after their participation;
  • numbers of women and men participants in training or studies after their participation.

Output indicators include:

  • numbers of unemployed women and men participants;
  • numbers of women and men participants over the age of 55;
  • numbers of economically inactive women and men participants;
  • numbers of women and men participants below 25 years of age;
  • numbers of women participants below 25 years of age;
  • number of women participants who are on maternity leave or re-entering the labour force.