How can we apply gender budgeting in the EU Funds? Practical tools and Member State examples
This section includes practical tools on how to integrate a gender perspective into the EU Funds, using detailed descriptions, checklists and examples from different Member States. Using this support structure throughout the programming and implementing process will ensure the coherent integration of a gender equality perspective. The tools are structured in line with the requirements of the Commission's proposal for a regulation on the content and implementation of EU Funds' operational programmes (OPs), addressing the proposal’s articles.
This section features 11 tools to apply gender budgeting in the EU Funds:
- Tool 1 EU Funds and EU regulatory framework on gender equality
- Tool 2 Analysing gender inequalities and needs
- Tool 3 Operationalising gender equality in PAs and OPs
- Tool 4 Coordination and complementarities between funds to advance work-life balance
- Tool 5 Partnerships and multi-level-governance
- Tool 6 Quantitative and qualitative indicators
- Tool 7 Gender-sensitive project selection criteria
- Tool 8 Tracking resource allocation for gender equality
- Tool 9 Mainstreaming gender equality in project design
- Tool 10 Gender perspective in monitoring and evaluation processes
- Tool 11 Reporting on spending for gender equality