General guidance on operationalising gender equality when developing policy objectives, specific objectives and measures
The checklists below follow seven main steps:
- make sure that the required context analysis is carried out in a gender-sensitive manner;
- integrate other available information on existing gender inequalities, e.g. from country-specific recommendations;
- build on existing EU and national norms and requirements to integrate gender equality (see Tool 1)
- clearly link the horizontal principle of gender equality to priorities, objectives and measures by building on the findings of Steps 1-3;
- ensure that financial allocations promote gender equality at the national and/or sub-national level, for example in terms of equality in employment, income, mobility and the distribution of paid and unpaid work;
- developing sex-disaggregated indicators as a standard, and specific gender indicators wherever relevant;
- make sure that all relevant staff have the requisite capacity on gender equality by delivering capacity building and establishing support structures on gender equality.
These seven steps are complemented by specific questions that specifically follow the format of the CPR.