Tool 9: Mainstreaming gender equality in project design
This tool will guide you to translate gender objectives and indicators in Partnership Agreements and Operational Programmes to the project level. It should be used by managing authorities at the national and subnational levels during the planning, implementation and monitoring stages of a project. It can also be used by managing authorities to offer guidance and support to local actors and project implementers.
This tool supports the implementation of gender-sensitive project selection criteria and procedures, as laid out in Article 67 of the proposal for the Common Provisions Regulation (COM(2018) 375 final):
For the selection of operations, the managing authority shall establish and apply criteria and procedures which are non-discriminatory, transparent, ensure gender equality and take account of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the principle of sustainable development and of the Union policy on the environment in accordance with Articles 11 and 191(1) of the TFEU.
Please refer to Tool 1 for more information on the regulations.