ERDF and Cohesion Fund (same common indicators)
Policy objective 1
A smarter Europe by promoting innovative and smart economic transformation
- CCO[1] 01 - Enterprises supported to innovate
- CCO 02 - Researchers working in supported research facilities
CCR[2] 01 - SMEs introducing product, process, marketing or organisational innovations
Questions for gender equality indicators
- How many enterprises are owned by women vs. how many are owned by men?
- How many women vs. men are researchers working in supported research facilities?
- What is the support given to female-owned enterprises vs. the support given to male-owned enterprises?
Examples of indicators[3]
Output level:
- Female- and male-owned enterprises supported to innovate
- Average amount of support given to female- and male-owned enterprises
- Women and men researchers working in supported research facilities
Results level:
- Female and male-owned SMEs introducing product, process, marketing or organisational innovations
CCO 03 - Enterprises and public institutions supported to develop digital products, services and applications
CCR 02 - Additional users of new digital products, services and applications developed by enterprises and public institutions
Questions for gender equality indicators
- Who are the users and non-users (women and men) of new digital products and services?
- Are these products and services equally used by women and men?
- How many of these enterprises are owned by women vs. men?
Examples of indicators[3]
Output level:
- Female- and male-owned enterprises supported to develop digital products, services and applications
- Average amount of support given to female- and male-owned enterprises
Results level:
- Women and men users of new digital products and services
- Gap in user rates between women and men
- Satisfaction of women and men users with digital products, services and applications
CCO 04 - SMEs supported to create jobs and growth
CCR 03 - Jobs created in SMEs supported
Questions for gender equality indicators
- How many of the SMEs supported are owned by women vs. men?
- What kinds of jobs are created? Within which sectors have these jobs been created?
- Is this sector more dominated by women or men, or is there an equal distribution?
- How will these jobs support women’s vs. men’s employment?
Examples of indicators[3]
Output level:
- Female- and male-owned SMEs supported to create growth
- Average amount of support given to female- and male-owned enterprises
Results level:
- Type of jobs created
- Number/share of women’s and men’s jobs created
- Number/share of women’s and men’s jobs created in sectors dominated by women/men
CCO 05 - SMEs investing in skills development
CCR 04 - SMEs staff benefiting from training for skills development
Questions for gender equality indicators:
- How many of the SMEs supported are owned by women vs. men?
- What kinds of skills are promoted? Within which sectors are these skills necessary? How will they support women’s vs. men’s skills development?
- Are these sectors dominated by more women or men, or is there an equal distribution?
Examples of indicators[3]
Output level:
- Female- and male-owned SMEs investing in skills development
- Average amount of support given to female- and male-owned enterprises
- Average cost of training by women and men staff members trained
Results level:
- Number/share of women and men in SMEs staff who have benefitted from skills development training
- Types of training for skills development accessed by women vs. men
Policy objective 2
A greener, low-carbon Europe by promoting clean and fair energy transition, green and blue investment, the circular economy, climate adaptation and risk prevention and management
CCO 06 - Investments in measures to improve energy efficiency
CCR 05 - Beneficiaries with improved energy classification
Questions for gender equality indicators:
- How will measures to improve energy efficiency effect women and men in all their diversity? Is there likely to be a difference?
- Can other socio-demographic characteristics influence these effects, such as age, socio-economic status and education?
- Will both women and men participate in any possible consultations that might be held?
Examples of indicators[3]
Output level:
- Type of investments in measures to improve energy efficiency
Result level:
- Women and men beneficiaries with improved energy classifications
CCO 07 - Additional renewable energy production capacity
CCR 06 - Volume of additional renewable energy produced
Questions for gender equality indicators:
- Who will benefit from the additional renewable energy production capacity? Will there be different benefits for women and men? Will other characteristics impact these benefits?
- Will both women and men participate in any possible consultations that might be held?
Examples of indicators[3]
Results level
- Women and men beneficiaries of the volume of additional renewable energy produced
CCO 08 - Digital management systems developed for smart grids
CCR 07 - Additional users connected to smart grids
Questions for gender equality indicators:
- Who are the users of digital management systems for smart grids? Are there the same numbers of women and men users?
- Will both women and men participate in any possible consultations that might be held?
Examples of indicators[3]
Results level:
- Women and men additional users connected to smart grids
CCO 09 - New or upgraded disaster monitoring, warning and response systems
CCR 08 - Additional population benefiting from protection measures against floods, forest fires, and other climate related natural disasters
Questions for gender equality indicators:
- Who will benefit from the new or upgraded disaster monitoring, warning and response systems? Will women and men benefit to the same extent?
- Are differences in traditional patterns taken into account in the response systems? (men in the professional sphere, women in the private sphere, more men own a car/use the car/drive, women are often caring for others and also need to take care of their dependents during a disaster, ...)
Examples of indicators[3]
Results level:
- Additional women and men benefiting from protection measures against floods, forest fires, and other climate-related natural disasters
CCO 10 - New or upgraded capacity for waste water treatment
CCR 09 - Additional population connected to, at least, secondary waste water treatment
Questions for gender equality indicators:
- Who will benefit from new or upgraded capacity for waste water treatment? Will women and men benefit to the same extent?
- Will both women and men participate in any possible consultations that might be held?
Examples of indicators[3]
Results level:
- Additional women and men connected to, at least, secondary waste water treatment
CCO 11 - New or upgraded capacity for waste recycling
CCR 10 - Additional waste recycled
Questions for gender equality indicators
- Who will benefit from new or upgraded capacity for waste recycling? Will women and men benefit to the same extent?
Are considerations about women's and men’s behaviours and roles included in efforts to promote the transition to the circular economy?
Will both women and men participate in any possible consultations that might be held?
Examples of indicators[3]
Results level:
- Additional waste recycled by women vs. men
- Gender responsive ways of promoting transition, e.g. degree of attention to women’s and men’s needs and preferences
- Gender assessment of waste recycling available
- Satisfaction of women and men users with measures
CCO 12 - Surface area of green infrastructure in urban areas
CCR 11 - Population benefiting from measures for air quality
Questions for gender equality indicators:
- Who will use and benefit from surface area of green infrastructure in urban areas? Will women and men use this infrastructure in the same ways? Will women and men benefit equally?
- Who lives in the areas?
Examples of indicators[3]
Results level:
- Women and men in the population who are benefiting from air quality measures
- Satisfaction of women and men with these measures
Policy objective 3
A more connected Europe by enhancing mobility and regional ICT connectivity
CCO 13 - Additional households and enterprises with coverage by very high capacity broadband networks
CR 12 - Additional households and enterprises with broadband subscriptions to a very high capacity networks
Questions for gender equality indicators:
- What kind of additional households will be covered by very high capacity broadband networks (e.g. female-headed or male headed households, single-parent households, etc.)? Who lives in these households?
- Who are the owners of the enterprises with very high capacity broadband networks?
- What data is there on the accessibility/affordability of access? How does this affect women and men differently?
Examples of indicators[3]
Results level:
- Additional female-headed and male-headed households with subscriptions to very high capacity broadband networks
- Female- and male-owned enterprises covered by very high capacity broadband networks
CCO 14 - Road TEN-T: new and upgraded roads
CCR 13 - Time savings due to improved road infrastructure
Questions for gender equality indicators:
- Who will use and benefit from the new and upgraded roads? Will women and men use these roads in the same ways? Will they benefit equally?
- Who will save time due to improved road infrastructure? Women or men, or both? Why?
- Are different safety and health considerations included for the women and men living near the roads?
Examples of indicators[3]
Results level:
- Women’s and men’s time savings due to improved road infrastructure
CCO 15 - Rail TEN-T: new and upgraded railways
CCR 14 - Annual number of passengers served by improved rail transport
Questions for gender equality indicators:
- Who will use and benefit from the new and upgraded railways? Will women and men use rail transport in the same ways? Will they benefit equally?
- Who will save time due to improved rail transport? Women or men, both? Why?
Examples of indicators[3]
Results level:
- Annual number of women and men passengers served by improved rail transport
- Average time saved by women and men passengers
CCO 16 - Extension and modernisation of tram and metro lines
CCR 15 - Annual users served by new and modernised tram and metro lines
Questions for gender equality indicators:
- Who will use and benefit from the extension and modernisation of tram and metro lines? Will women and men use these lines in the same ways? Will they benefit equally?
- Who will save time due to new and modernised tram and metro lines? Women or men, or both? Why?
- Are women’s and men’s different needs taken into account during the extension and modernisation process (e.g. it is important to provide extensions toward industrial parks and other places of employment, as well as extra stops/connectivity to schools, hospitals, shops and other services)
Examples of indicators[3]
Results level:
- Annual women and men users served by new and modernised tram and metro lines
Policy objective 4
A more social Europe implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights
CCO 17 - Annual unemployed persons served by enhanced facilities for employment services
CCR 16 - Job seekers using annually enhanced facilities for employment services
Questions for gender equality indicators:
- What are women and men’s unemployment rates?
- How are facilities for employment services organised to address the needs of both women and men in all their diversity?
- Are gender-responsive participatory approaches used in developing these services?
Examples of indicators[3]
Output level:
- Unemployed women and men served annually by enhanced facilities for employment services
- Gender-responsive enhanced facilities for employment services
Results level:
- Women and men job seekers who annually use enhanced facilities for employment services
CCO 18 - New or upgraded capacity for childcare and education infrastructure
CCR 17 - Annual users served by new or upgraded childcare and education infrastructure
Questions for gender equality indicators:
- Who uses and benefits from childcare? Will women and men use childcare infrastructure to the same extent? Will they benefit equally?
- How does childcare and education infrastructure influence the employability of women and men?
- Do girls and boys have the same access to new and upgraded childcare and education infrastructure?
Examples of indicators[3]
Results level:
- Girls and boys served annually by new or upgraded childcare and education infrastructure
- Number/share of households (by type of households, e.g. female-headed or male-headed, single parent households, etc.) whose childcare burden has been reduced because of new or upgraded infrastructure
- Average opening hours of childcare facilities
CCO 19 - Additional capacity of reception infrastructures created or upgraded
CCR 18 - Annual users served by new and improved reception and housing facilities
Questions for gender equality indicators:
- Who will use and benefit from the additional capacity of reception infrastructures? Will women and men use this infrastructure to the same extent? Will they benefit equally?
- Are there gender-responsive assessments of the needs of women and men among these groups?
- Who lives in marginalised communities? Who are the migrants and disadvantaged groups? Are there groups within these groups, for example women or men, who are more or less integrated?
Examples of indicators[3]
Results level:
- Women and men users served annually by new and improved reception and housing facilities
- Average cost of services for women and men users
- Women and men users’ satisfaction with services
CCO 20 - New or upgraded capacity for health care infrastructure
CCR 19 - Population with access to improved health care services
Questions for gender equality indicators:
- Are gender-responsive assessments of the needs of women and men related to the infrastructure available?
- Who will use and benefit from the new or upgraded capacity for health care infrastructure? Will women and men benefit equally?
- How does new or upgraded capacity for health care infrastructure consider women’s and men’s different health needs throughout the life cycle?
Examples of indicators[3]
Output level:
- Type of new or upgraded capacity for health care infrastructure
- New or upgraded capacity for health care and infrastructure to equally meet the needs of women and men users
- Spaces for children available in the waiting areas
Results level:
- Women and men with access to improved health care services
[1] CCO: Core Common Output Indicator.
[2] CCR: Core Common Result Indicator.
[3] The indicators should be constructed as numbers and/or percentages, for example of female- and male-owned enterprises. It is preferable to focus on percentages since simple numbers are not ideal for indicators.
[4] Trans-European Transport Network