Gender budgeting as a way of advancing gender equality for women and men in all their diversity
What does this mean?
Gender budget analysis improves our knowledge of women’s and men’s needs, as well as the distributional effects and impacts of resource allocation on women and men in all their diversity. Thus, gender budgeting provides the basis for better, more evidence-based decision-making. This, in turn, contributes to ensuring that public funds are used more effectively to advance gender equality and uphold all of our human rights – including those of people whose rights are all too often neglected.
Gender equality is a fundamental principle of the EU. It is also laden with socioeconomic benefits. Research affirms that reducing gender inequality has a plethora of positive effects, leading to greater economic growth, more jobs, healthier children, better labour productivity and more responsive governments[1]. While economic growth can have positive effects on women’s economic status, advancing inclusivity and gender equality require that robust gender analysis informs economic policy decisions.[2]
Watch these two videos to better understand the economic benefits of gender equality. You can choose subtitles in your own language:
Economic benefits of gender equality: science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)[3]
Economic benefits of gender equality: labour market activity and equal pay[4]
Gender budgeting brings into focus the process of allocating resources as part of decision-making on policy priorities, implementing policy actions and evaluating outcomes. Applying gender budgeting means using a range of gender analysis and assessment tools, which are set out in detail later in this toolkit. These give policy-makers a better understanding of the differences in women’s and men’s lives, as well as how and why they use services, resources and their time differently. The video below offers a snapshot of how a gender budgeting approach enriches analysis and decisions on how to use public resources. Simply put, gender budgeting contributes to achieving gender equality, improving the population’s well-being, and spearheading more sustainable, inclusive growth and employment.[5]
To better understand the concept of gender budgeting in practice, watch this video on sustainable gender equality and budgeting by the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions.[6]